Last night I was able to get out of the house for another craft night. Or, if some of you have been reading past blogs, "craft night". I was unable to get out of the house until 8:30 but went anyway as I hate to miss a chance to socialize with this particular group of women. Little did I know I was to find out just how good of friends these women have become.
Everyone was happily crafting and drinking wine. About an hour after I had been there one women commented on my shirt. "You really should wear a different shirt under that because it looks like you are just showing off your boobs." This may not be the exact phrase but I think it captures the meaning and it was an blunt. I was wearing what I now know is a flesh colored top with an orange sweater over the top. The sweater has a cut out in the shape of flower petals right in the center over the prime cleavage area. "Really?" I asked. "Yes," said everyone at the table.
I believe I have owned this particular outfit for about 3 years now. I wear it exactly how it was displayed on the mannequin in the store. I have gotten many compliments on it and have worn it quite frequently. NEVER has anyone told me this. I began to think back to all the times people commented on it and wondered if they just didn't say anything?! It's like getting in the car after a wonderful evening and checking the mirror only to find a big piece of spinach in your teeth. You then realize the last time you had spinach was 4 hours ago.
Who else but a good friend would tell me that I had spinach in my teeth or that I was walking around looking like I was trying to show off my boobs.
I truly don't know what I would do without my girlfriends. I have dear ones that I have had since I was a teenager. Ones that when they moved away, I sobbed uncontrollably and will still tear up now if I think about it too much. I have friends that I met when my first baby was a baby and shared poop stories with. I have a group of magical friends that I met through the preschool. We share a common bond through our children but it became obvious rather quick that we would have become friends no matter how we met.
I need my girlfriends. I've read articles where they state that it keeps us mentally and physically healthier, younger feeling and helps our marriages. Mine definitely do all that and more. As I get older it seems more and more difficult to make friends. When I do it does seem that they turn out to be good friends. Maybe I just know what I am looking for. I do know that I am definitely looking for friends that will tell me if I have spinach in my teeth or if my boobs appear to be showing.
here's to Magical friends! LOVE YOU !!!